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U.S. Farm Subsidies and the Big Dogs | Open The Books Oversight Report 29_Farm_Subsidies___The_BIg_Dogs

December 9, 2013 04:00 AM


Is this Farm Policy? Or A Legalized Money Laundering Scheme?
"This is not an accidental loophole ... this reverse 'Robin Hood style' of wealth redistribution is an intentional effort to get all Americans bought into a system where everyone appears to benefit."
U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK)

Subsidies of the Rich & Famous, November, 2011


Quantifying Farm Subsidies into Major American Urban Areas
Washington, D.C.    Chicago, IL    New York City, NY
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930 entities receive $6.129 million in subsidy (2008-2011)


We show that millions of dollars in Federal Farm Subsidies are flowing into major American urban areas- where there are no farms...

Examples from our report: 

1. Three Year Economic Savings Program, Inc- a charity-arm of The Nation of Islam based in Chicago, received farm subsidies at the home address of Minister Louis Farrakhan. 

2. New York based National Audubon Society received $960,000 - including a New York based tobacco subsidy.  

 3. Executives at U.S. Department of Agriculture and lobbyists in Washington, D.C. the people who created and manage these transfers, participate in the subsidy largess.   

 4. Elected U.S. Senators and Representatives received hundreds of thousands of dollars in farms subsidies.

Read our Federal Transfer Report- Farm Subsidies & Big Dogs, here. 


Over the next 10 years $90 billion will be spent on farm subsidies. That's $9 billion per year.

Among the findings:

See the farm subsidies into your local ZIP code.  Download our free Open The Books app - Apple & Droid platforms, here  & key your ZIP code to quickly track it all...

Key any wealthy ZIP code: Beverly Hills, CA 90212; Winnetka, IL 60093; Miami Beach, FL 33109; Palm Beach, FL 33480; Sea Island, GA 31561; Park City, UT 84060

Even the city government in Park City, UT received thousands in subsidies!

Across America, 419 entities received at least $1 million in farm subsidies- totaling $725.162 million. That's "welfare for the wealthy." That's not farm policy.

Congress is debating the Farm Bill now and presents a golden opportunity for reform. Call your legislator now and tell them what you feel about this legalized money laundering scheme.



Founder, Open The Books      


PS. Can we count on your support right away? Please donate today to help us continue our mission of posting "Every Dime Online" of all government spending across the country.  Please give a gift of $25, $50, $100, $250 or $500. 
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