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The Depth of the Swamp | Leadership Program of the Rockies 113_LPR

June 14, 2021 02:15 AM


"While some of us need a little help pronouncing his last name (say Angie-eff-ski), Adam Andrzejewski’s mission is crystal clear: he dedicates his life to public service, particularly to exposing government corruption.

You’ve seen Adam’s work on Good Morning America, ABC World News Tonight, C-SPAN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, CNN, Fox News, National Public Radio (NPR), Forbes, and more.

The Andrzejewski / OpenTheBooks investigation into congressional corruption is featured in a 2021 episode of CNBC’s American Greed. Today, OpenTheBooks.com is the largest private repository of U.S. public-sector spending, making Adam’s work critically important to saving freedom.

You’ll learn all about Adam’s important work at the LPR 2021 Annual Retreat."

From LeadershipProgramRetreat.com | https://www.leadershipprogramretreat.com/adam-andrzejewski/

June 14, 2021

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