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Subscriber Special: Track State Spending on Your Phone IL10

August 7, 2015 01:30 AM
Search Illinois State Spending by ZIP Code on your smartphone
Open The Books App | free for Apple and Droid | First in the nation
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Track Spending & Speak Out During Budget Battles
by Adam Andrzejewski | Chicago Daily Herald
Click here to read today's editorial - Illinois checkbook release
August 7, 2015

 Track state spending on your phone...  Your State Coming Soon

Open The Books App - 1st for federal spending, federal salaries, and local and state salaries in 34,000 units of government across America - soon to add state spending in the TOP 15 Most Populous States.
Download our app today and get ready to hunt for government waste.
The results aren't pretty.

2.3 billion individual government transactions are captured in our data commons - the largest accessible database of public spending in the world.
Today, we launched the first state - Illinois. We expose a half million vendors paid on a half billion transactions for a half trillion of your tax dollars.

What did we find in Illinois?  Read today's editorial, click here.
  • Attorney General Lisa Madigan has a patronage employee living two states away in Dearborn, MI and has 'reimbursed' commuting costs from Michigan to Illinois from an 'in-state travel reimbursement fund.'  Some of reimbursements were specifically to "Mom's Residence."
  • Possibly the most conflicted journalist in America, Rich Miller, has a subscription blog based in the state capitol, funded with $260,000 of state payments (taxpayers) from 70 state agencies!
  • The former and current comptrollers, Judy Baar-Topinka and Leslie Munger, write checks a connected lobbyist firm. This taxpayer funded lobbyist benefits the employees of circuit court judges. We doubt this arrangement is legal.

    Who is the 'connected lobbyist firm?' Read our editorial in today's Daily Herald, Track Spending & Speak Out During Budget Battles.  Please share editorial on your social media.
In May, 2013, we launched first and only app that tracks federal spending. The Wall Street Journal recognized our work, Track Government Spending on Your Phone, click here.

Today, Open The Books is the first to allow citizens to track Illinois state spending.  (Soon - citizens in all 50 states will have this same ability.)

But, we need your help. Our goal is to capture "Every Dime" of spending, from every unit of government across America. Over the next couple of years, you'll be able to see and track it all.

Please help us with a tax deductible donation of $25, $50, $75, $100, $250 or $500 today. 

Stay tuned for our September release of more state checkbook spending.

Matthew Tyrmand
Deputy Director

Adam Andrzejewski
Chairman, American Transparency

P.S. Your help is needed today. Please make a tax deductible gift of $25, $50, $100, $250 or $500 today.

Download the Open The Books App click here

"Open The Books is doing the work I envisioned... putting sunlight through a magnifying glass."  U.S. Senator (retired) Dr. Tom Coburn Honorary Chairman of American Transparency
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