Small Business Administration (SBA) Abuses Lending Programs
"The findings (re: report) are certain to spur new oversight of the SBA program on Capitol Hill." The Washington Times | December 1, 2014
"We must never demonize success, but we don't need to subsidize it either." SBA's Welfare to the Wealthy Click here to read our editorial in Forbes
Stephen Moore at Investor's Business Daily wrote the lead editorial "SBA Underwrites Lifestyles for the Rich and Famous."
Kelly Riddle at The Washington Times wrote the front page above the fold news story "Small Business Government Loans Subsidized Rolex, Country Clubs & Spas."
Read our Federal Transfer Report- SBA Loans Serving Wealthy Lifestyles, click here.
What's the matter with the SBA?
Billions in taxpayer backed lending flowed to country clubs, investment bankers, upscale jewelers, fancy car dealers, injury lawyers, aesthetic enhancement- plastic surgery clinics, upscale pet resorts, high-end vacation destinations, and much more...
Michael Krieger at Liberty Blitzkrieg wrote, "Another Government Scam - Small Business Administration (SBA) is Exposed as Corporate Welfare to Big Businesses"
Peter Fricke at Daily Caller highlighted the Fortune 100 Companies, "Perhaps the most startling finding, though, is that from 2006 to 2012, more than $250 million in SBA loans went to ten Fortune 100 companies and their affiliates."
Vickie Alger at Independent Women's Forum wrote, "SBA is Playing Big Spender Lender With Our Tax Dollars." Is the SBA is part of the free market or just helping the millionaire free-loader?
Read our Federal Transfer Report- SBA Loans Serving Wealthy Lifestyles, click here.
Are there Million Dollar SBA Loans In Your Hometown? Click here to slice, dice and display the list of 35,000 loans by state, town, recipient, or sort by amount at
Adam Andrzejewski, Chairman, American Transparency
Matthew Tyrmand, Deputy Director
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