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Subscriber Special - Rules Don't Apply to Oregon's Political Class Capitol_Building14

October 24, 2016 02:46 PM
"A powerful state commissioner acts as if 
rules are only for other people."
Forbes | October 24, 2016 
Brad Avakian's Political Hacking of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry
by Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of OpenTheBooks
October 24, 2016
Read the Forbes editorial CLICK HERE
Today at Forbes, Adam Andrzejewski highlights our oversight research of "Mr. Regulator," Brad Avakian -- the powerful commissioner of Oregon's Bureau of Labor and Industry. 
Avakian enjoys cracking down on the private sector but is flagrantly mixing public and campaign funds and functions as he tries to move-up to Secretary of State in this election cycle. Consider the following:
  • Avakian's official state calendar displays his 2016 campaign website and email address.
  • Responding to an open records request for his official state calendar, Avakian redacted 672 events during the last 20 months. State law only allows redactions for personal appointments (i.e. doctors' appointments).
  • 988 events were also redacted from the official state calendars of three key BOLI administrators who work for Avakian.
  • These three BOLI administrators (state employees) got $3,500 in total bonuses from their boss' campaign fund, the Committee to Elect Brad Avakian. Two of the three executives also gave Avakian campaign donations.
And, there's a lot more...
The fact is that Avakian refused to separate his public business at BOLI from his campaign business. 
BOLI's redaction of 1,660 official events on the calendars of Avakian and his three administrators in response to an open records request is evidence that there's a lot to hide. 
It's time to challenge the status quo. We have a moral obligation to STOP waste, fraud and duplication. We are giving you the tools to fight 'city hall' and win.
It's Your Money. Join The Transparency Revolution!
Matthew Tyrmand
Deputy Director
Adam Andrzejewski (say: Angie-f-ski)
Founder and CEO, OpenTheBooks.com 
PS. Our new video describes how our data and technology can help you stop government waste!  Watch it here.
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