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Special Report with Bret Baier: EPA’s $160 Million PR Machine 51_pr_firms

October 14, 2015 04:15 PM
Why Does the EPA Need 198 Public Affairs Officers plus millions of dollars in outside PR Spin?
EPA’s $160 Million Spin Machine
Special Report | Bret Baier | FOX News
Last night, Special Report with Bret Baier showcased our OpenTheBooks Oversight Report – U.S. Environmental Agency. Why does a major federal agency have nearly 200 PR staff employees?
Recently, the New York Times exposed the EPA for PR excess which was covered on Special Report…
Using a Thunderclap social media product to generate nearly 1 million online "grassroots comments" on new regulations regarding the Clean Water Act. 90% of the comments were positive. But, the Anti-Lobbying Act prohibits the use of tax dollars to advocate for a public position.
"The EPA wasting $160 million on public relations dwarfs our recent exposure of their high-end furniture purchases ($92 million), Nothing is emblematic of government excess like an army of highly compensated PR agents sitting in their easy chairs. It’s simply waste." OpenTheBooks.com
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