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Alaska State Employees Alaska

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Results: Top 10,000 of 15,906 salaries found.
Year Employer Name Title Annual Wages Source
2019 Alaska Deparment of Law Holden Gracie E Attorney Ii $72,696.32 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Office of the Governor Smoldon Todd D Director $72,692.45 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Sobek Kyle M Equipment Operator, Journey Ii $72,681.86 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Krock Thomas F A Wildland Fire And Resource Technician Iii $72,678.00 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Wilson Dawn Loan/Collection Officer Ii $72,674.11 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Grant Jennifer A Eligibility Quality Control Technician I $72,665.61 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Bankowski Joseph E Special Investigator I $72,664.37 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Dale Jennifer A Protective Services Specialist Iii $72,660.42 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Staricha Amber R Protective Services Specialist Ii $72,655.10 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Fortune Marlyn R Office Assistant Iv $72,652.09 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Partido Joseph B Maintenance Generalist, Journey $72,630.08 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Alpasa Cynthia L Office Assistant I $72,619.96 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Leach Michael T Fish & Wildlife Technician Iv $72,615.92 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Medel Alana M Community Care Licensing Specialist Ii $72,612.92 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Thorn Michael A Equipment Operator, Journey Ii $72,608.54 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Byrd Andrew J Correctional Officer Ii $72,605.74 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Administration Holt Danielle W Associate Attorney Ii $72,603.53 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Roark Autumn N Investigator Iii $72,593.35 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Kalalo Raisa J Administrative Officer I $72,590.07 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Deardorff Casey S Correctional Officer Ii $72,588.55 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Doody Sean H O Survey, Journey $72,587.67 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Meyer Zachary S Mental Health Clinician Ii $72,583.90 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Byford Caroline E Accounting Technician Iii $72,578.67 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Administration Roomsburg Brandon M Retirement & Benefits Specialist Ii $72,569.38 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Gaiser Mary L Accountant Iii $72,543.37 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Phillips Sara K Accountant Iv $72,542.64 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Frye Graham G Wildlife Biologist Iii $72,542.21 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Cruickshank Matthew J Maintenance Specialist, Bldg/Facility/Const, Jrny Ii/Lead $72,541.63 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Nelson Mark A Wildlife Biologist Ii $72,537.73 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Chance Jamie J Trust Resource Manager $72,537.35 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Browne Deadra M Community Care Licensing Specialist I $72,527.83 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Fleetwood Jacob M Engineering Assistant Ii $72,521.41 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Devenny Richard L Oiler 56/27 $72,508.13 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Miller-Chapman Elizabeth Administrative Assistant Ii $72,498.58 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services See April P Human Resource Consultant Ii $72,496.71 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Deparment of Law Ford Birden Paralegal Ii $72,494.66 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Cable Susan M Research Analyst Iii $72,491.57 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Butherus Randy E Stock & Parts Services Iii $72,488.12 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Nelsen Scott G Telecommunications Planner $72,488.00 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Snelson Brenda S Public Health Informaticist I $72,484.70 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Stevens Daniel R Employment Security Analyst Ii $72,484.63 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Hartmann Bethany J Employment Security Analyst Ii $72,484.34 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Camp Donovan G Engineering Assistant Ii $72,483.40 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Scannell Heather L Fishery Biologist Iii $72,483.39 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Vuille Michael J Stock & Parts Services Iv $72,457.87 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Pintang Fernando A Procurement Specialist I $72,456.59 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Burkett Joshua P Correctional Officer Ii $72,453.88 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Public Safety Knier Jason K State Trooper Recruit $72,442.67 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Ayers Jean M Grants Administrator Ii $72,436.72 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Coleman John W Correctional Officer Ii $72,432.80 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Czopek Robert A Maintenance Generalist, Journey $72,432.32 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Larsen Sabrina J Research Analyst Iii $72,425.02 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Carpenter Robert D Eligibility Technician Ii $72,412.05 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Meienberg Matthew W Procurement Specialist Iii $72,411.30 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Sprague Christina A Medicaid Program Specialist Iii $72,407.20 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Thompson Daniel P Wildlife Biologist Ii $72,405.69 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Public Safety Barnett Brandi M Forensic Scientist Iv - Chemistry $72,405.33 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Hooper Andrea T Public Health Nurse Ii $72,400.80 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Administration Hillberry Amanda F Associate Attorney I $72,393.80 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Williams Jeffrey T Fishery Biologist Ii $72,390.22 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Jones Juliet I Certified Nurse Aide I $72,386.95 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Bell Teresa D Community Care Licensing Specialist I $72,384.27 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Walker Tammy M Financial Examiner Ii $72,379.73 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Lobsinger Carmen M Airport Operations Officer $72,374.11 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Education & Early Childhood Fernandez-Hamberg Jacqueline R Museum Curator Ii $72,371.86 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Jefferson Joshua A Correctional Officer Ii $72,364.60 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Cordero Jessica M Accountant Iii $72,363.55 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Kawka Marta Anna Engineering Assistant Ii $72,347.59 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Ruebelmann John A Correctional Officer Ii $72,343.55 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Dash Ellie L S Adult Probation Officer Ii $72,340.34 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Administration Reid Shawna R Payroll Services Supervisor $72,339.06 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Arlington Kim L B Industrial Hygienist $72,337.84 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Garcia Cyla H Accounting Technician Iii $72,327.90 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Byford William C Internet Specialist I $72,327.89 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Cole Steven E Mechanic, Automotive, Advanced Journey/Lead $72,322.71 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Parker Teressa A Employment Security Analyst I $72,322.14 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Stolpe Adrienne K Natural Resource Manager Iii $72,319.81 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Rotola Brian P Able Seaman 37/36 $72,319.58 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Graham Andrew J Equipment Operator, Lead / Journey Iii $72,316.34 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Yeo Jung M Workers Compensation Hearing Officer Ii $72,306.98 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Brown Dean M Correctional Officer Ii $72,304.65 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Wirkus Tiffany D Field Auditor Ii $72,302.90 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Administration Larson Charley V Human Resource Technician Iii $72,296.29 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Krusen Laura L Mental Health Clinician Ii $72,286.43 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Lund Ashley M Eligibility Technician Iv $72,283.47 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Freeman John F Equipment Operator, Lead / Journey Iii $72,282.90 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Hollon Melanie B Environmental Health Officer Iii $72,280.96 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Brehm Aaron T Correctional Officer Ii $72,275.60 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Brewster Jessica N Equipment Operator, Journey Ii $72,270.68 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Grantham Rickie Drafting Technician Iii $72,267.63 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Dube Claire L Eligibility Technician Iii $72,260.33 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Hoftiezer Douglas J Avtec Instructor $72,248.29 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development Reyna Kaitlin A M Financial Examiner Iii $72,247.19 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Duval Dawn T Employment Security Analyst Ii $72,245.62 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Blunt Veronica L Second Cook 67/94 $72,244.16 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Education & Early Childhood Morgan Shelly M Program Coordinator $72,235.50 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Rosser Amber M Wildland Fire Support Services Iv $72,232.21 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Education & Early Childhood Guthert Faith R Admin Support Specialist $72,230.50 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Bartz Joseph J Juvenile Justice Officer Ii $72,217.71 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
2019 Alaska Department of Corrections Alligood Jeremy A Correctional Officer I $72,211.01 Alaska Department of Personnel and Labor Relations
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