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2012 Illinois State University Retirement System Salaries Adam

July 12, 2013 01:01 AM


Open The Books has published the 2012 Illinois State University Retirement System Salaries. The top 10 employee salaries for fiscal year 2012 include: Charbel, Fady Toufic (UIC $1,278,491.26); Gonzalez, Mark H (UIC $895,638.38); Toriumi, Dean Michael(UIC $767,507.01); Benedetti, Enrico (UIC $735,085.13); Slavin, Konstantin V(UIC$686,212.00); Oliphant, Uretz J (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign $672,761.79); Hocker, James R (UIC $656,859.93); Macwan, Kamlesh S(UIC $616,761.80); Borhani, Martin (UIC $616,446.20) and Schwartz, David E(UIC $593,737.06).

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